Grants and Evaluation

Keep your grant funds in-house. Include our evaluation services in your next grant application! Our services are professional, high quality, and very competitively priced.

Contact us for the most up-to-date schedule of rates for each of the following services:

Evaluation Design & Management
This may include scope of work, budgets, evaluation, sampling, and other data collections strategies. Also the management of efforts after initiation of a project.

Survey Design
Development of various types of instruments. Includes item and response development, formatting, and pretesting.

Form Scanning & Verification
Creation and testing of scan forms, logging and pre-checks of scan forms, scanning and verification of scan forms, and export of raw data.

Data Processing & Management
Loading and shaping of raw data. Numerous data quality checks. File and record-level manipulations to create new variables, account for skip patterns and branching, etc. We write SPSS or SAS syntax command for efficient, repetitive runs.

Data Analysis
Descriptive, inferential, and non-parametric analysis. Tabulation and results by disaggregated variables.

Report Development
Development of final report including appendices. Reports are developed and tailored specifically for the client.

Mailed Surveys
Implementation of mailed survey procedure. Cost includes initial mailing and reminder mailing costs, survey printing, and post card printing.

In-Person Data Collection
Implementation of in-person data collection strategies such as focus groups, observations, etc.

Infographic & Data Visualization
Design and development of infographics based on evaluation data or other data.