Issue Identification and Planning Group Databases

Issues in communities can come from many different sources.  Many issues are brought up through the program planning process by local planning groups such as the leadership advisory boards and program area committees.

Extension Planning Group (EPG)

The EPG tab from the TexasData website is the location where local planning group membership information should be listed.  As an agent, you have the ability to update your local data base through this system.

Issue Identification

In addition, using the Issue ID tab from the TexasData website, you have the ability to enter in issues that have been identified through the TCFF process, along with the ability to record progress in addressing those issues.

Texas Community Futures Forum

Developing educational programs based on community needs is the foundation of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension’s success. The Leadership Advisory Boards process provides an avenue to hear from all types of clientele and people within a county. Providing solutions to county problems and issues will allow AgriLife Extension to remain viable to constituents. What could be more important to AgriLife Extension than listening to its “customers” – the people of Texas?

Our ability to meet educational needs depends on knowing what local residents see as their issues that impact their lives. There is no way to know the answers to these questions unless they are asked. Therefore, Extension will involve the Leadership Advisory Boards in a process to ask residents what is important to them – the 2019 Texas Community Futures Forum. Each county will host a forum between January 1, 2019 and May 31, 2019 to identify locally relevant issues.  A complete guide book has been developed to assist county faculty in coordinating the event with their Leadership Advisory Boards.  Click below to download this useful resource.

TCFF Guidebook – 2019